Date of Defense




First Advisor

Nicholas Andreadis, Extended University Programs

Second Advisor

Robert Landeros, Management

Third Advisor

Kenneth O'Shaughnessy, Management


Recent studies have shown that 60-80% of all mergers are failures when measured by their ability to outperform the stock market or to deliver profit increases. Mergers must create value and grow the business to have true success. Often mergers fail due to financial and market factors, such as a poor economy, market entry timing, unrealized synergies, or a saturated market. It is easy to overlook the human factors, the characteristics of people that need to be considered when implementing mergers in order for people to interact effectively. While a CEO may be the first to say that people are the most important asset, in practice, it is the frontline workers who are usually last to be told of a merger. It is believed that they will fear job stability and not be able to produce at the same previous rate. This essay is intended to analyze the human factors associated with mergers. First, the motives behind mergers are discussed, why mergers mail, and recommendations for overcoming human factor problems are provided. Examples of successful mergers are also given.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access
