The Languages of Anglo-Saxon England

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Special Session

Organizer Name

Emily Butler

Organizer Affiliation

John Carroll Univ.

Presider Name

Emily Butler

Paper Title 1

Anglo-Saxons and Welsh: The Evidence of Wealhstod, Gwalstawd, and Asser

Presenter 1 Name

Joseph McLaurin Leake

Presenter 1 Affiliation

Univ. of Connecticut

Paper Title 2

Languages of Silence, Languages of the Body: The Anglo-Saxon Monastic Sign Lexicon

Presenter 2 Name

Jordan L. Zweck

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

Paper Title 3


Presenter 3 Name

Mary Kate Hurley

Presenter 3 Affiliation

Ohio Univ.

Start Date

15-5-2016 10:30 AM

Session Location

Bernhard 204


Old English was part of a rich linguistic landscape, with multiple varieties and registers of English, in addition to a range of contacts with other languages throughout the Anglo-Saxon period. Often, discussions of multilingualism or linguistic contact in medieval England focus on post-Conquest interactions between English, French, and Latin, but this session considers contacts between Old English and other languages in the pre-Conquest period. Papers will address Latin Mannerism, Welsh/OE contact, and monastic sign language.

Emily Butler

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May 15th, 10:30 AM

The Languages of Anglo-Saxon England

Bernhard 204

Old English was part of a rich linguistic landscape, with multiple varieties and registers of English, in addition to a range of contacts with other languages throughout the Anglo-Saxon period. Often, discussions of multilingualism or linguistic contact in medieval England focus on post-Conquest interactions between English, French, and Latin, but this session considers contacts between Old English and other languages in the pre-Conquest period. Papers will address Latin Mannerism, Welsh/OE contact, and monastic sign language.

Emily Butler