Putting Women in the Pulpit: A Roundtable about Women and Preaching

Sponsoring Organization(s)

Society for the Study of Anglo-Saxon Homiletics (SSASH)

Organizer Name

Brandon W. Hawk

Organizer Affiliation

Rhode Island College

Presider Name

Jill Hamilton Clements

Presider Affiliation

Univ. of Alabama-Birmingham

Paper Title 1

The Impact of the Lynne Grundy Memorial Trust

Presenter 1 Name

Jill M. Fitzgerald

Presenter 1 Affiliation

United States Naval Academy

Paper Title 2

Is There Agency as an Exemplar? Women as Universal Models in Early English Texts and the Study of Homilies

Presenter 2 Name

Rachel Elizabeth Grabowski

Presenter 2 Affiliation

Georgetown Univ.

Paper Title 3

Gendered Salvation: Subject and Perspective in Old English Eschatological Homilies

Presenter 3 Name

Amity Reading

Presenter 3 Affiliation

DePauw Univ.

Paper Title 4

Ælfric's Jewish Women: Judith and Esther

Presenter 4 Name

Samantha Zacher

Presenter 4 Affiliation

Cornell Univ.

Start Date

10-5-2019 10:00 AM

Session Location

Sangren 1740


Women cannot be separated from the study of Anglo-Saxon preaching. They appear directly or implicitly throughout the corpus of Anglo-Saxon preaching texts, as well as much of the evidence about preaching in early England. Throughout the twentieth century and up to the present, female scholars have been integral to the study of Anglo-Saxon preaching. We find significant editions and studies by Dorothy Bethurum, Mary Clayton, Helen Foxhall Forbes, Mechthild Gretsch, Antonette diPaolo Healey, Joyce Hill, Clare Lees, Joyce Tally Lionarons, Amity Reading, Mary Swan, Elaine Treharne, Dorothy Whitelock, and Samantha Zacher. The past decade has brought about the publications of major books by women featuring sermons–and many of them featuring medieval female voices–such as Zacher’s Preaching the Converted: The Style and Rhetoric of the Vercelli Book Homilies (2009); Lionarons’s The Homiletic Writings of Archbishop Wulfstan (2010); Treharne’s Living Through Conquest: The Politics of Early English, 1020-1220 (2012); Forbes’s Heaven and Earth in Anglo‑Saxon England: Theology and Society in an Age of Faith (2013); and Reading’s Reading the Anglo-Saxon Self Through the Vercelli Book (2018).

The proposed roundtable, then, will feature reflections about women in Anglo-Saxon and related preaching texts as well as the work of women on medieval homiletics, in order to showcase medieval female voices, past scholarship, and a forum for lively discussion of future directions. With the hopes of foregrounding the study of gender in Anglo-Saxon studies, this roundtable will provide an intervention in historiography meant to celebrate the legacy of women in the field. Brandon W. Hawk

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May 10th, 10:00 AM

Putting Women in the Pulpit: A Roundtable about Women and Preaching

Sangren 1740

Women cannot be separated from the study of Anglo-Saxon preaching. They appear directly or implicitly throughout the corpus of Anglo-Saxon preaching texts, as well as much of the evidence about preaching in early England. Throughout the twentieth century and up to the present, female scholars have been integral to the study of Anglo-Saxon preaching. We find significant editions and studies by Dorothy Bethurum, Mary Clayton, Helen Foxhall Forbes, Mechthild Gretsch, Antonette diPaolo Healey, Joyce Hill, Clare Lees, Joyce Tally Lionarons, Amity Reading, Mary Swan, Elaine Treharne, Dorothy Whitelock, and Samantha Zacher. The past decade has brought about the publications of major books by women featuring sermons–and many of them featuring medieval female voices–such as Zacher’s Preaching the Converted: The Style and Rhetoric of the Vercelli Book Homilies (2009); Lionarons’s The Homiletic Writings of Archbishop Wulfstan (2010); Treharne’s Living Through Conquest: The Politics of Early English, 1020-1220 (2012); Forbes’s Heaven and Earth in Anglo‑Saxon England: Theology and Society in an Age of Faith (2013); and Reading’s Reading the Anglo-Saxon Self Through the Vercelli Book (2018).

The proposed roundtable, then, will feature reflections about women in Anglo-Saxon and related preaching texts as well as the work of women on medieval homiletics, in order to showcase medieval female voices, past scholarship, and a forum for lively discussion of future directions. With the hopes of foregrounding the study of gender in Anglo-Saxon studies, this roundtable will provide an intervention in historiography meant to celebrate the legacy of women in the field. Brandon W. Hawk