CONGRESS CANCELED Medieval Interdisciplinarity: Medical and Scientific Knowledge Transfer in Medieval Southern Italy

Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University


The importance of Montecassino and the Beneventan Zone in the history of the transmission of the classics for the trivium has long been recognized. Only recently has the pivotal role of the Zone for the history of the collection, translation, transmission and dissemination of scientific works come to the fore. The session build on new/forthcoming publications on key Southern Italian manuscript witnesses of this transfer asks how knowledge transfer (particular of works of the quadrivium and medical sciences) occurred (into, within, and from the Zone), and what was the relationship between innovative learning across the sciences. Andrew J. M. Irving

May 7th, 1:30 PM

CONGRESS CANCELED Medieval Interdisciplinarity: Medical and Scientific Knowledge Transfer in Medieval Southern Italy

Sangren 1320

The importance of Montecassino and the Beneventan Zone in the history of the transmission of the classics for the trivium has long been recognized. Only recently has the pivotal role of the Zone for the history of the collection, translation, transmission and dissemination of scientific works come to the fore. The session build on new/forthcoming publications on key Southern Italian manuscript witnesses of this transfer asks how knowledge transfer (particular of works of the quadrivium and medical sciences) occurred (into, within, and from the Zone), and what was the relationship between innovative learning across the sciences. Andrew J. M. Irving