CONGRESS CANCELED Outlaw Epistemologies

Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University


This session examines the epistemology of premodern outlaws and their afterlives. What do we know about outlaws, and how? How do we construct our knowledge of them into narratives, and based on what systems of thinking? Where there are competing systems affecting how outlaws are understood (a literary presentation that contradicts a political, or historical one, for example, or competing literary traditions from different viewpoints) how do we reconcile them and based on what evidence (or lack thereof?) How do outlaws evolve over time, and through what cultural, historical, sociological, or political pressures exerted upon them? Alexander L. Kaufman

May 8th, 1:30 PM

CONGRESS CANCELED Outlaw Epistemologies

Schneider 1135

This session examines the epistemology of premodern outlaws and their afterlives. What do we know about outlaws, and how? How do we construct our knowledge of them into narratives, and based on what systems of thinking? Where there are competing systems affecting how outlaws are understood (a literary presentation that contradicts a political, or historical one, for example, or competing literary traditions from different viewpoints) how do we reconcile them and based on what evidence (or lack thereof?) How do outlaws evolve over time, and through what cultural, historical, sociological, or political pressures exerted upon them? Alexander L. Kaufman