

The environment into which we are born remains invisible to us unless one of two things happens: 1) we leave it, or 2) it changes drastically. Quite recently, both of these things have happened to man-on-earth. Man left the earth long enough to look it over, and brought back pictures which make it difficult for us to overlook the planet as formerly. And those of us who stayed on earth discovered our planet by virtue of the fact that its feedback is doing things to us which were entirely unintended in our doings to it. The coincidence of these events is quite literally leading to our belated discovery of the third planet from our sun. What we are discovering, of course, is that the planet as a whole behaves differently than its parts. Our present habits of relating to the planet only in part are producing a planetary reaction which, on the whole, will be unfavorable to our continued enjoyment of the planet if not our very existence itself.
