"A Paradigm of Virtue" by Stanley L. Becker and Saundra R. Becker


This letter was brought forcibly to mind at the December, 1972, meetings of the History of Science Society. Does it describe the present status of the History of Science? To put it succinctly ... What good is History of Science? During the session dealing with the goals and future of our profession, I heard plaudits for the good old days and sighs over the bad old days ... I heard suggestions made with respect to possible jobs for majors in history of science. I heard graduate students suggest time sharing, money sharing, and perhaps even a relief expedition. After all the niceties were over, an undergraduate who was with me at the time, remarked: "How is it that almost no one has said anything specific about opportunities or jobs ... I mean, what do historians of science actually do in the real world? What are they trained to do?"
