DARDOSIPCAT mission statement
What is DARDOSIPCAT's academic mission? (Warning: Geek speak ahead!)
The mission of this linguistic archive is to collect and digitally preserve, annotate, catalog, and disseminate linguistic resources in the form of primary data to create a lasting, multipurpose record of observable linguistic behavior relating to Spanish in the Països Catalans.
- As an ongoing language documentation, DARDOSIPCAT will be a cumulative and distributed effort that includes diverse deposits of linguistic corpora from researchers worldwide. Such deposits will represent ways of speaking Spanish in various kinds of social groups and speech communities across different genres of communicative events via multiple forms of language representation and resource modality.
- DARDOSIPCAT aims to devolve data to the data providers while strengthening empirical foundations in linguistics and related fields through improved accountability and economized research resources. Primary recordings will be offered with minimal digital editing, and the transcriptions provided will be orthographic, not phonetic, in nature.
- Rich metadata and annotation will promote individual resource discovery and usability, whereas the fieldwork settings, methods of data collection, annotation conventions, content, and scope of each separate linguistic corpus deposited in DARDOSIPCAT will be transparently documented at the collection level. DARDOSIPCAT will be full-text indexed in major search engines like Google and Bing.
- The hosted nature of the WMU ScholarWorks Institutional Repository will foster DARDOSIPCAT's portability. Digital Commons software includes redundant backups and a commitment to continuously migrate resources to next generation technological standards. Furthermore, the DC platform provides built in citations to every resource and supports XML as well as the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (V2).
- This linguistic archive respects intellectual property rights. Access to many DARDOSIPCAT resources will be restricted to those users who sign a statement of explicit consent to archive terms and conditions, which may include, where requested, speaker anonymity.