Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Uldis Smidchens

Second Advisor

Dr. Richard Munsterman

Third Advisor

Dr. Zigmund Kryszak


This study investigated the relationship between leadership style and perceived performance in selected tasks. Using the 99 UniServ Directors of the Michigan Education Association, the objective of the study was to provide additional criteria that could be used to assist organizational leaders in assignment of staff to areas of specialization. The selected task areas were (a) negotiations, (b) arbitration, (c) writing, (d) political action, (e) public relations, (f) member counseling, (g) leadership training, and (h) organizing.

Leadership style was defined using the two dimensional nature of leadership postulated by Fleishman (1957), Blake and Mouton (1964), Reddin (1980), Hersey and Blanchard (1974), and Fiedler (1967). These dimensions were concern for consideration and structure.

The instruments used to collect the data were the Leadership Opinion Questionnaire (LOQ) and a self-assessment instrument. The LOQ was used to determine leadership style and the self-assessment instrument was used to determine perceived performance in the task areas. These questionnaires were mailed to the 99 directors with a response rate of 62.6%. The data from the LOQ were used to assign the respondents to one of four leadership style groups. The ranks given each task area on the self-assessment instrument were then compared across the four groups.

The hypothesis was that there exists a relationship between leadership style and the perception of the leader as to his/her ability in a specific area of specialization. It was concluded that support for this relationship was established for the tasks of (a) negotiations, (b) arbitration, (c) writing, and (d) organizing. The results of the study did not support the existence of any relationship between leadership style and (a) political action, (b) public relations, (c) member counseling, and (d) leadership training.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
