Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Dale M Brethower

Second Advisor

Dr. J . M. Keenan

Third Advisor

Dr. Jack Michael

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Norman Peterson


A performance systems analysis was applied in a small business to diagnose problems and direct decisions in order to solve performance deficiencies of that organization. A "performance audit," as the approach is called, consists of analyzing an operating system from the most general to the most specific levels of vantage (i.e., levels at which a system operates). The levels of vantage for any system are: philosophical, cultural, policy, strategic, tactical, and logistic. At each level the actual performance was compared to predetermined standards called "exemplary performance." This comparison facilitated the diagnosis of the organization's deficiencies.

The study attempted to design an ideal model for the system, a health food cooperative, a nontraditional enterprise based on volunteer work from college students and community people. This model was based on the ultimate goals of the organization, which were to improve physical health and human interaction. Some indicators showed that the deficiencies could be attributed to a poor recruitment system as well as the lack of systematic contingencies for improving performance. Recommendations were given in terms of designing a training system for managers, staff, and board of directors as well as assigning responsibilities to members of the cooperative after ensuring that they have had proper guidance, clear directions, feedback systems, and training programs.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
