Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Donald C. Weaver

Second Advisor

Dr. Uldis Smidchens

Third Advisor

Dr. Edsel Erickson


The purposes of this study were to describe each of three models of community education along selected dimensions, and to describe how the models were similar and/or different from each other. The three models were defined according to the way community education organizations are financed. Model I represented those organizations in which the community education effort was totally financed through public schools. Model II represented those organizations in which the community education effort was jointly financed through public schools and other community resources. Model III represented those organizations in which the community education effort was financed through community resources other than that of the public school. The dimensions selected to describe each of the three models, and also their similarities and differences, included history, finance, programs/services, governance/staffing, structure for community involvement, and future.

Two organizations were selected for investigation which represented each of the three models. The data were procured through interviews with the directors of the selected organizations. The dimensions noted above served as the framework for the interview schedule.

The major findings of the study were: (1) organizations which were represented by Model I reported less cooperation with other agencies when compared with Models II and III; (2) the goal of promoting school/community relationships was reported as primary to Model I and II organizations, but not to Model III organizations; (3) Model III organizations reported more involvement in community development and community action activities than did Model I and II organizations; (4) Model I and II organizations reported that their programs and/or services emphasized the young adult age group over all others; (5) most members of the governing boards of organizations represented by any one of the three models lacked training in group process skills, and most governing board members of organizations represented by Models I and II lacked formal training with respect to the goals of their organizations; (6) volunteers represented less than 10 percent of the part-time staff of organizations represented by all three models ; (7) the directors of Model II and III organizations made more active use of their advisory councils than did directors of Model I organizations; and (8) directors of Model III organizations are more optimistic about the future success of their organizations than are directors of Model I and II organizations. Implications of these findings were discussed in the study as were recommendations for further study.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
