Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology

First Advisor

Dr. Joseph R. Morris

Second Advisor

Dr. Jennifer M. Foster

Third Advisor

Dr. Estrella J. Torrez


Latinx, ethnic identity, Latino, minority stress, students, Predominantly White Institution


Research indicates that ethnic minority-related stressors contribute to poor mental health outcomes in Latinx university students. There are inconsistent results of the moderating role of ethnic identity in ethnic minority stress and mental health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to examine whether ethnic identity moderates the relationship between ethnic minority stress and trait anxiety in Latinx university students attending predominantly White institutions (PWI). The secondary purpose of this study was to explore the effects of ethnic minority stress on trait anxiety symptoms.

Participants were 256 Latinx (67.6% women, n = 173; 31.3% men, n = 80) undergraduate and graduate university students attending predominantly White public universities in the Midwest region of the United States. Anonymous online surveys for demographics, ethnic identity, overall stress, ethnic minority stress, and trait anxiety symptoms were completed by study participants.

Results indicated that higher ethnic minority stress predicted higher trait anxiety symptoms, after controlling for age, gender, and general stress. Ethnic identity was not found to moderate the relationship between ethnic minority stress and anxiety symptoms. However, higher ethnic resolution predicted lower trait anxiety symptoms. In addition, higher ethnic exploration predicted lower trait anxiety symptoms. The study indicates that higher ethnic minority stress has negative mental health outcomes and higher ethnic identity has positive mental health outcomes. Counselor and psychology training programs should increase knowledge about mental health outcomes and multicultural interventions in Latinx populations. University counseling centers at PWIs should include questions regarding ethnic minority stress during intake assessments and offer group therapy incorporating ethnic exploration and ethnic concerns to their clientele.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
