Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology

First Advisor

Dr. Alan J. Hovestadt

Second Advisor

Dr. Norman Kiracofe

Third Advisor

Dr. Karen Horneffer-Ginter


This study examined the similarities and dissimilarities in abortion attitudes among counselors (CTs, n = 51), social workers (SWTs, n = 42), and nurses in training (NTs, n = 78), based on profession, age, race, gender, and religion. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and standard multiple regression. It was predicted that profession, religion, age, gender, and race would predict the abortion attitudes of CTs, SWTs, and NTs in training. It was also predicted that the attitudes of CTs and SWTs would be most similar, and that both of these groups would hold more positive abortion attitudes than NTs. The results indicated that religion, age, gender, and race do not significantly predict abortion attitudes in CTs, SWTs, and NTs. The abortion attitudes of CTs, SWTs, and NTs in this study were too similar to reveal the unique contribution of professional socialization on abortion attitudes. The majority of the CTs, SWTs, and NTs were "pro-choice," as measured by self-report and the RAQ (Parsons et al., 1990). This study provides preliminary information on CT, SWT, and NT abortion attitudes, abortion knowledge, and professional ethical positions related to abortion that might be useful to counseling, social work, and nurse training programs.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
