Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology

First Advisor

Dr. Suzanne M. Hedstrom


There is little research on the personal experiences of employees as they make a career transition due to promotion. The purpose of this study was to examine how newly promoted employees use their psychological resources to cope with transition. The Career Transition Inventory (CTI) was administered to 32 hairstylists from 14 different salons in the Midwest. The five scales of the CTI (Readiness, Confidence, Control, Support, and Independence) were used to identify how psychological resources were used by promoted employees. The CTI scales were compared to the variables of Age and Promotion since these variables are mentioned in the literature as having an influence on coping resources.

Results of the study showed low scores on the Readiness and Support scales, indicating a perception by participants of more psychological barriers. Participants scored medium to high on the Confidence, Control, and Independence scales, which meant they experienced fewer barriers to their resources. When the scales were compared to the variable of Age, a negative correlation was found between Age and Confidence. Older workers were found to have less confidence than younger employees in their abilities to perform and make a successful transition. A multiple regression indicated that Age also predicted Confidence. Another significant finding was a positive correlation between Promotion and Support. Stylists with more promotions perceived more support from others. The number of promotions also predicted Support, which encompasses supports from others inside their work environment and from significant others. There were no statistically significant results with the other psychological resources. The findings of this study show newly promoted older workers and novices as having fewer psychological resources for making a successful career transition. Recommendations for future research were provided.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
