Date of Defense
Berrien County covers an area of 600 square miles, with approximately 385,000 The soils of Berrien County are classified in the Gray-Brown Podzolic Geological Region (Limy Materials). Five different land divisions are represented in Berrien County. The first of these is Land Division R. St. Clair and Blount soil series-of Land Division R are formed from glacial tills of clay loam, silty clay loam, or silty clay. The topography which is associated with Land Division R is level to rolling and is generally favorable for agricultural purposes. The soils are deep and fertile and suitable for growing such staples as hay, corn, wheat, oats, and beans.
Recommended Citation
Moore, Linda, "The Agricultural History of Berrien County, Michigan 1850-1900" (1974). Honors Theses. 1274.
Access Setting
Honors Thesis-Open Access