Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Ben Atchison

Second Advisor

Michelle Suarez


This paper explores sensory processing, sensory processing disorder (SPD), and typical treatment for children with SPD. It later analyzes the inclusion of rock climbing and its value as a treatment modality for children with sensory-based motor disorder. We examined a rock climbing incident of children climbing for their first time. Elements of the analysis were based on clinical observations for sensory integration and the ten core fidelity measures for occupational therapy using a sensory integration approach (OT-SI). Analysis concluded that the selected clinical observations and the ten core fidelity measures of OT-SI were present during a 4-minute rock climbing incident. Further research is recommended to be conducted in order to determine the effectiveness of this modality. Overall, the analysis determines that this incident does have a potential use as a treatment modality for children with sensory-based motor disorder.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Restricted
