



  • Privatization: Reforming the Welfare State - DAVID STOESZ
  • Registering the Poor to Vote: Lessons from the 1984 General Election - IRA COLBY
  • Refeminization of Child Care: Causation, Costs and Cures - ROBERT WEINBACH
  • Stability and Fluctuation in Juvenile Delinquency in Israel - RAM A. CNAAN, ITZHAK HOCHERMAN
  • The Use of Survey Methods in Researching Parents of Adjudicated Child Prostitutes - JOHN LONGRES
  • Sex-Role Stereotypes about Social Work Administration - REGINALD O. YORK
  • Burn-Out Among Social Work Professionals: A Behavioral Approach to Causal and Interventive Knowledge - KAREN M. SOWERS-HOAG, BRUCE A. THYER
  • Advocacy and the Adversary System - HERB KUTCHINS, STUART KUTCHINS
  • Community-Based Self-Help Groups for the Treatment of Agoraphobia - BRUCE A. THYER

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