Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare | Vol 50 | Iss 1

Volume 50, Issue 1 (2023) Anti-Trans Policies and Social Work Education

Complete Issue



A Descriptive Account of the Practicum Experiences of Trans and Nonbinary Social Work Students
Jama Shelton, SJ Dodd, Jamie Borgan, Gabriel San Emeterio, and Ana Rikki Wilhelm


"We're All We Have": Envisioning the Future of Mutual Aid from Queer and Trans Perspectives
Brendon T. Holloway, C. Riley Hostetter, Karaya Morris, Jax Kynn, and Maximillion Kilby


Anti-Transgender Policies and Practices in Social Work Education, Accreditation, and Licensing: A Call for Change
Darren L. Whitfield, Liam Westgate, Rachel E. Gartner, Leah A. Jacobs, and Brittanie Atteberry-Ash

Editor's Note


An Introduction to the Special Issue
Megan S. Paceley and Candace Christensen

Special Issue Editors

Megan S. Paceley
Candace Christensen