Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science


Chemical and Paper Engineering

First Advisor

Dr. Paul D. Fleming III

Second Advisor

Dr. Alexandra Pekarovicova

Third Advisor

Dr. Susan Steuer


digitization, imaging, color, transparent, quality

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


An increasing number of libraries and archives are initiating projects where new and updated technologies make it practical to digitize materials containing color and fine detail. Many of the imaging systems and methods used for this process require that some type of glass or plastic be placed over the original to hold it flat and in the correct position during image capture. The physical properties of a material placed between an original object and the capture system or camera, during digitization, could possibly affect the accuracy of image color and quality being reproduced by the system. This investigation provides an analysis of the possible effects on the process.

This analysis compares the results of image targets captured, with a digital still camera, through various commercially available materials to that of a control target captured without any intermediate material. The accuracy of the color profiling process was evaluated and comparisons made. Image quality and performance analysis, based on standards, was accomplished.

Results of the investigation indicate that with accurately configured equipment and the proper application of an ICC color profile, any effects caused by the introduction of a transparent material between the image capture system and original can be minimized. Specific recommendations on the suitability of the analyzed transparent materials are provided.
