Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Political Science

First Advisor

Dr. Lawrence Ziring

Second Advisor

Dr. Ernest E.Rossi

Third Advisor

Dr. Jack C.Plano

Access Setting

Masters Thesis-Open Access


This thesis examines the historical development of Turkey's foreign policy up to the period immediately following World War II, and its decision to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The study begins with a survey of Turkey's geopolitical importance. The narrative highlights political conditions from the Ottoman period to the years following World War II. Domestic political developments, as well as foreign relations of Turkey in the Republican period, are analyzed.

Turkey's current foreign policy was established during the initial years following World War II. The thesis discusses the reasons for the shift in Turkey's foreign policy, from peaceful co-existence to its entrance into bloc politics. The impact of the Truman Doctrine, how it influenced Turkish-Soviet and Turkish-American relations, and how the combination of domestic and foreign factors facilitated Turkey's alignment with the Western bloc are examined. Finally the personalities and institutions who influenced Turkey's foreign policy decisions are discussed.
