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With the execution of two contracts between the Community Economic Development Corporation and Western Michigan University, authorizing archaeological investigation of the Ross Field Industrial Park in Sections 8~9, Benton Charter Township, Berrien County, Michigan, archaeologists from the Department of Anthropology undertook a literature, documents, and site file search and on 3 Apr and 5 Apr 91 surveyed the study area in order to determine whether proposed construction activities would have an adverse impact on cultural resources. This Phase I program of research was, in turn, followed by Phase II survey and testing of identified resources in selected portions of the project; fieldwork that involved preparation of the field lying in the western part of the study area for intensive surface collecting, monitoring the movement of heavy equipment during establishment of an access road into this same area of the project, and limited test excavation of those three sites (20BE414, 20BE415, and 20BE416) regarded by us as the most promising resources present in the industrial park between 6 May-27 Jun 91. The latter phase oF our research program was undertaken in an effort to ascertain whether any oF the sites recorded might be eligible For listing in the National Register of Historic Places.
There Follows a report of our program of research, detailing aspects of both the Phase I survey to locate archaeological sites and the Phase II intensive survey and testing strategy employed to evaluate three of 11 sites present in the industrial park. The 2 report concludes with recommendations based upon our findings.