Guided by the Spirits : the Meanings of Life, Death, and Youth Suicide in an Ojibwa Community

Guided by the Spirits : the Meanings of Life, Death, and Youth Suicide in an Ojibwa Community

Document Type




Guided by the Spirits is a case study of youth suicide in the Sault Sainte Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Written by a member of the tribal community, this study focuses on qualitative methods, indigenous experience, and collaborative approaches to explore the social and historical significance of youth suicide in an Ojibwa community. Guided by the Spirits combines traditional methods of analysis, extracts of interviews and field notes, and creative ethnographic writing to present the relationships between culture, history, identity, agency, and youth suicide. This book is a must read for lay readers, policy makers, and researchers who seek a window into contemporary Native American life as well as a critical interpretation of youth suicide in indigenous societies.



Publication Date



Indigenous Studies | Social and Cultural Anthropology

Citation for published book

Allard, Seth. Guided by the Spirits : the Meanings of Life, Death, and Youth Suicide in an Ojibwa Community. New York ; London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2018.

Guided by the Spirits : the Meanings of Life, Death, and Youth Suicide in an Ojibwa Community
