Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment
Blindness and Low Vision Studies
Document Type
This book is the only text of its kind to cover the area of neuropsychological testing of persons without vision or with limited vision. A thorough survey of the existing instruments for assessment of the blind is provided, with reviews of those assessments to help clinicians identify effective tools for assessment work with this population. In addition, new assessment instruments are presented, with instructions for how to administer these assessments and reproducible materials for clinician use. These instruments have been found to be psychometrically sound, with reliability and validity data, collected from over 500 adults, described. Specific case examples in chapters make the process of assessment come alive and allow procedures to be easily understandable. After reading this book, clinicians will be prepared to provide assessments for the visually impaired in the areas of:* Vocation* Academics* Personality* Intelligence, both Verbal and Non-Verbal* Neuropsychology* Executive Functioning* Spatial Ability* Memory, both Verbal and Non-Verbal* Special clinical populations, including those with low birthweight, with a new pervasive developmental disorder definedClassic tests are updated and new tests introduced to represent the cutting edge of assessment of individuals with vision issues. Readers will be equipped to administer a variety of assessments, including:* Tactual Formboard Test (Stoelting Catalog #)* Pattern of Search Test (Stoelting Catalog #)* Adapted Token Test* Auditory Cancellation Test* Michigan Mathematics Test for the Blind* Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test* Haptic Intelligence Scale Subtests, adapting popular cognitive subtests for use as tactile-based assessments. This book is the comprehensive guide for neuropsychological assessment of those without vision or limited vision!
Call number in WMU's library
HV1593 .G35 2017 (WMU Authors Collection, First Floor)
Publication Date
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment | Diagnosis | Rehabilitation and Therapy
Citation for published book
Gallagher, John T., et al. Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment. [First edition].., Stoelting, 2018.
Recommended Citation
Gallagher, John T. and Burnham, Katherine A., "Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment" (2017). All Books and Monographs by WMU Authors. 832.