Date of Award

Spring 4-2023

Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

B.S. in Interior Design


Design and Innovation

First Advisor

Dustin Altschul

Second Advisor

Kimberly Buchholz


It is inevitable to adapt uneasy feelings leading up to and during a doctor's appointment. The question is why do humans feel this? Research indicates that many medical offices and appointment spaces are designed for employee efficiency, rather that patient experience. This sheds light on the fact that there is a disconnect between provider needs and patient needs in this important, shared space.

Regardless of the type of offices, from general practice to dermatology, every physician office and appointment space have common spatial and operation needs. All healthcare offices need the same type of circulation that creates ease while moving through the space. Patient experience can be assessed on a global level, the focus of research for these specific obstetrician and gynecology medical spaces and the intricacies, nuances, and sensitivities related to this expertise.

This project explores those three core needs of space planning, circulation and ease of use as it pertains to OB/GYN spaces throughout the U.S, comparing appointment type, demographics and geographical culture. Examining the design priorities while shifting the focus from provider efficiency to patients, and argues that patient-focused design in a medical office will increase efficiency for both patient and provider. More importantly, shifting this focus to patients will decrease uneasy patient feelings before and during appointments.
