Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Lilith Reuter-Yuill

Second Advisor

Michelle Suarez

Third Advisor

Holly Grieves


Limited literature exists on developmental surveillance, particularly occupational therapist’s role, and clinicians’ current knowledge and understanding of the CDC milestones. A pilot study was conducted to better understand the current knowledge, role, and confidence of primary care pediatricians, Speech and Language Pathologists, Board Certified Behavior Analysts, Occupational Therapists and respective pre-professionals regarding utilization of updated CDC developmental milestones and developmental surveillance. My objectives involved gaining knowledge and collaborating to create, administer, collect data, and analyze data using an anonymous survey. This also included collaborating to create, edit, and submit an HSIRB application. Results of this study provide supporting evidence that there is a relationship between awareness of the 2022 changes to CDC milestones and clinical practice knowledge, as well as differences in clinical practice knowledge based on confidence levels. It also suggests a lack of knowledge around the specific CDC milestones and their respective age groups. Due to the lack of literature in this area, this research study is a crucial addition in the field of occupational therapy. Providing insight into the current knowledge base, perceived confidence, and roles regarding developmental surveillance utilizing the CDC milestones.

Available for download on Tuesday, May 27, 2025
