
The Calms of Capricorn: A Preliminary Edition, by Eugene O'Neill


Eugene O'Neill, The Calms of Capricorn: A Preliminary Edition, Vol. I, The Scenario, transcribed by Donald Gallup; Vol. II, The Play, developed by Donald Gallup. New Haven: Yale University Library, 1981. Vol. I, pp. xviii + 64; Vol. II, pp. 122.

Eugene O'Neill, Work Diary 1924-1943, transcribed by Donald Gallup, preliminary edition. 2 vols. (including "Scribbling Diary for 1925"). New Haven: Yale University Library, ,1981. Pp. iv ,+ 522.

Eugene O'Neill at Work: Newly Released Ideas for Plays, ed. Virginia Floyd. New York: Frederick Ungar, 1981. Pp. xxx.ix + 407.

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