
Two Exempla: Analogues to the Play of the Sacrament and Dux Moraud


In lieu of an abstract, the first paragraph of the essay follows:

The relationship between the vernacular drama of medieval England and its sermons has long been recognized, but has been turned to scant advantage by scholars of the drama. In his book on the mystery plays, V. A. Kolve comments that "the cycles could only have been written by men schooled in theological traditions and trained by the pulpit in the techniques of holding the attention of a large and heterogeneous audience," and he acknowledges the important scholarship of G.R. Owst who had demonstrated the very close relationship indeed that existed between stage and pulpit.1 Owst further lamented the "lack of acquaintance," on the part of scholars of the drama, "with another and a much despised literature which had already set forth in true and satisfying combination the colloquial, the proverbial, the jovial and the religious."2

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