
St. Crépin, St. Crispin, Sant Crespí: French, Breton, and Catalan Mystères


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St. Crispin and St. Crispinian, popular characters in theatrical productions in a number of countries, were saints venerated in most of the kingdoms of Europe; hence the iconography of their life and martyrdom was well known,1 and texts of mystères on the subject of these saints exist not only in French but also in Catalan and Breton.2 In French there are two mystères in addition to a third mystères inserted into a full-length play of St. Quentin.3 It is, however, unclear how the plays about these saints in different languages are related. Both in scenario and in staging, the plays reflect their position in historical time or their geographical region perhaps as much as their dependence on the actual legend of St. Crispin and Crispinian as it had appeared in the Latin life of these saints in the ninth century.

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