
Undoing the Dramatic History of the Riga Ludus Prophetarum


In lieu of an abstract, the first paragraph of the essay follows:

In Appendix D of The Drama of the Medieval Church,1 Karl Young brings together a selection of what he considers to be "a few of the more striking records or mentions of plays or dramatic ceremonies associated with churches" - a total of nine excerpts from various municipal records and monastic chronicles from England as well as the continent.2 Young offers all of these with no critical exposition, leaving his readers to assess for themselves what is most "striking" in each example. Among these excerpts one in particular - a passage from the thirteenth-century Chronicon Livoniae, written by Heinrich von Lettland (Henricus Lettus)3 - has repeatedly caught the eye of historians of the drama. Even a partial listing of scholars who have referred to it is long and distinguished.4 The excerpt has been cited and discussed so frequently since the end of the nineteenth century that it has achieved a critical life of its own.

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