ScholarWorks > Arts & Sciences > English > COMPDR > Vol. 42 (2008) > Iss. 2
Volume 42, Issue 2 (2008) Summer
The Secular Morality of Middleton’s City Comedies
Derek B. Alwes
Dragon Fathers and Unnatural Children: Warring Generations in King Lear and Its Sources
Meredith Skura
Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses: Mythic Revision as a Ritual for Grief
Miriam M. Chirico
Book Reviews
Rhetorical Readings, Dark Comedies, and Shakespeare’s Problem Plays, by Ira Clark
Christopher Crosbie
The Third Citizen: Shakespeare’s Theater and the Early Modern House of Commons, by Oliver Arnold
Richard C. McCoy
Cheshire including Chester, edited by Elizabeth Baldwin, Lawrence M. Clopper, and David Mills
Peter Happé
New Deal Theater: The Vernacular Tradition in American Political Theater, by Ilka Saal
Harriet Hyman Alonso
Brief Notices