"Missing a Horse: Richard and White Surrey" by Erica Sheen

Missing a Horse: Richard and White Surrey


Erica Sheen


In lieu of an abstract, the first paragraph of the essay follows:

I begin with the Globe Theatre’s Facebook page on February 4, 2013, the day of the press release from the University of Leicester announcing the discovery of Richard III’s body: “Our neighbours Southwark Cathedral have a beautiful stained glass window depicting the death of Richard III. Next time you are on your way to us stop off and have a look.” Providing a link to the Cathedral’s own website, they “shared” this image, part of Christopher Webb’s Shakespeare Window, unveiled in 1954 as a replacement for the war-damaged memorial window, originally installed in 1897: “This is the Cathedral’s version of the death of #RichardIII, which is shown in our Shakespeare Window. Come and see it for yourself.”1


1. Shakespeare’s Globe, status update, Facebook, February 4, 2013, https://www.facebook.com/ShakespearesGlobe/posts/592569630756433.

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