Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Teaching, Learning, and Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Van E. Cooley

Second Advisor

Dr. Elizabeth Whitten

Third Advisor

Dr. Wendy Wenner


This study generalized emergent leadership research to the unstudied population of Total Ministry parishes in the Episcopal Church. The research population was 75 small congregations who chose parish members as their liturgical and pastoral leaders. A survey was designed to distinguish more satisfied from less satisfied parishes in areas of worship, climate, and pastoral care. Each group was given a questionnaire with 29 emergent leadership factors. It was hypothesized that more satisfied parishes would match the constructs of emergent leadership to a higher degree. A T-test was used to compare scores. Results were very strong in pastoral care and climate, indicating that emergent leadership principals can be generalized to the study group in those areas. The area of worship was less closely aligned with the hypotheses. Peculiarities responsible for the discrepancy suggested that qualifications for a priest of the church may not represent those of a typical emergent leader.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
