Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy



First Advisor

Dr. Laura R. Van Zoest

Second Advisor

Dr. Theresa J. Grant

Third Advisor

Dr. Mariana Levin

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Fran Arbaugh


Preservice teacher learning, pedagogies of enactment, mathematics education, teacher education


This study examines preservice teacher learning through pedagogies of enactment—approaches to teacher education that allow preservice teachers to learn by doing what teachers do. Preservice teacher (PST) learning is examined through the implementation of the Bellringer Sequence (BRS), a pedagogy of enactment conceptualized in the study. The BRS is centered around bellringers—brief mathematical tasks implemented as students arrive for class. The BRS is a sequence of four activities centered on a bellringer: preparation (for teaching a bellringer) implementation (of the bellringer with peers), debriefing (discussing the implementation as colleagues), and written reflection (about the effectiveness of the bellringer).

Practice-based approaches to teacher preparation have been emphasized as a way of addressing the disconnect between what goes on in teacher preparation programs and school classrooms. Pedagogies of enactment are considered to be practice-based approaches to teacher education because they focus on preservice teachers’ learning of what teachers do. However, little is known about how PST learning takes place through these pedagogies. This study investigates both what and how PSTs learn through the BRS in the context of a middle school mathematics methods course.

Access Setting

Dissertation-Open Access
