Oral History Interview with Judge Aliyah Sabree on March 20, 2021

Oral History Interview with Judge Aliyah Sabree on March 20, 2021


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Sabree, Judge Aliyah


Cook, Ayesha; Perkins, Dr. Alisa (Research Director)


Summary in progress.

Date of Interview


Location of Interview

Detroit, MI (Muslim Center Mosque and Community Center)


36th District Court of Detroit, Academia, Active lifestyle, Advanced placement classes, Advocacy for returning citizens, African-American history, African-American Muslims, Athletic scholarship for university, Arab-American Muslims, Arabic language education, Bachelor's degree, Baptist Christianity, Baseball, Bates Academy of Detroit, Beckley, Biochemistry, Biology, Black athletes, Black history, Black Law Students Association (BLSA), Black Muslims, Black Student Affairs, Black women in law, Boy Scouts of America, Bullying, Burden of proof, Catholic church, Catholic school, Catholicism, Charity, Child abuse, Childhood, Christian mainstream, Civil rights activism, Civil Rights Movement, College athletics, College education, Colorism, Community building, Community service, Conversion to Islam, Criminal justice, Criminal justice system, Critical thinking, Culturally specific Muslim community, Culture shock, Debate competition, Delta Sigma Theta sorority, Detroit, Detroit City Council, Detroit police, Detroit Police Department (DPD), Detroit Public Schools, Detroit racial demographics, Detroit Riots of 1967, Detroit Uprising of 1967, Detroit Water & Sewerage Department, Discrimination in school, Diversity Consortium, Division I (DI) schools, Doctoral degree, Domestic violence, Mayor Mike Duggan, Education, Educator, Hajjah Tamra El-Amin, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Daisy L. Elliott, Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, Family support system, Fasting, Female athletes, First Amendment rights, First Black, Muslim woman judge, Food distribution, Food security, Fundraising, Girls' Islamic education, The Great Migration, Greek life, Gun violence, Hajj, Hajj classes, Higher education, History making, Housing foreclosure, Iftar, Independence, Institutional racism, Interfaith relations, Intergenerational relations, International community, Interracial Muslim community, Islam, Islam in America, Islamic education, Islamic environment, Islamic institutions, Islamic marriage counseling, Islamic studies, Jurisprudence, Tahira Hassanein Khalid, Kinship, Lansing, Law school, Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Legal advice, Legal interpretation, Literacy, Litigation, Lobbying, Marginalization of Muslims, Marriage in Islam, Masjid, Mayor's Office Liaison, Michigan, Michigan Civil Rights Commission, Michigan Constitutional Convention, Michigan courts, Michigan State University Law School, Micro-aggressions, Mock trial, Modesty, Mosque, Mosque maintenance, Motherhood, Motherhood in Islam, Mothering, Multi-ethnic Muslim community, Multiple marriages, Municipal law, Muslim American women's fashion, Muslim Americans, Muslim Center Mosque and Community Center, Muslim community-building, Muslim Law Students Association, Muslim women's community space, Muslim women's sisterhood, Muslimah University, Muslims, Nation of Islam (NOI), National Honors Society, New York, Ohio, Oppression, Parochial school, People who were formerly incarcerated, Philanthropy, Pilgrimage in Islam, Police bias, Police department, Political activism, Political campaigning, Politics, Polygyny in Islam, Poverty, Prayer, Prayer hall, Predominantly White Institution (PWI), Public service, Qur'an education, Qur'an memorization, Qur'an recitation, Racial discrimination in university athletics, Racial profiling, Racial segregation, Racial slur, Racism, Ramadan, Recession, Religious education, Religious minorities in America, Renaissance High School, Reversion to Islam, Role playing, Badriyyah Sabree, Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree, School transportation, ‘Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)’, Sexism, Judge Adam Shakoor, Six Mile, Slavery, Social justice activism, Softball, Sororities, Soup kitchen, South Eastern High School of Technology and Law, Southwest Detroit, Sports, Sportscasting Staten Island, Step class, Stereotypes, Stigmatization of Islam, Sunni Islam, Teaching, Teaching strategies, Teen Court, Track, Trade school, Undergraduate education, Unemployment, Veiling in Islam, Veterans court, Volunteering, Wayne County, Wayne County prosecutor's office, West Side Detroit, West Virginia, Women in sports, Women in STEM, Women judges, Women's gatherings, Women's Islamic education, Women's rights in Islam, Women's role in governance, Women's roles in Islam, Women's suffrage, Workplace Commissioner's Attorney, Malcolm X, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Catherine Ziyad, Daa'iyah Ziyad


African American Studies | Africana Studies | American Studies | Civic and Community Engagement | Civil Rights and Discrimination | Community-Based Research | Criminology and Criminal Justice | Digital Humanities | Ethics in Religion | Inequality and Stratification | Judges | Nonprofit Administration and Management | Politics and Social Change | Race and Ethnicity | Religion | Urban Studies and Planning | Women's History


Interview conducted by Ayesha Cook at the Muslim Center Mosque and Community Center. Interview written by Dr. Alisa Perkins (Research Director) and Ayesha Cook. Interview recorded under the direction of Supervising Producer Malikah Shabazz and Assistant Supervisor Abdul-Zahir Sadid. Videography by Samayyah Cook. Video Edited by: Brooklynne Bates. Transcribed by: Delaney Novak. Transcription edited by: Dr. Alisa Perkins. Metadata prepared by: [First, Last]. Metadata edited by: Dr. Alisa Perkins and Sophia Wimberley.



Document Type


Rights Statement

Dream of Detroit Interviews were made possible by funding from the Pillars Grant and Whiting Foundation. Content is for educational purposes only and non-reproducible; interviews are not to be duplicated, but may be linked through ScholarWorks with appropriate attribution. Please direct any questions about copyright to scholarworks@wmich.edu.


Pillars Fund and Whiting Foundation


Dream of Detroit

Length of Video


Oral History Interview with Judge Aliyah Sabree on March 20, 2021
