Date of Award


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Pulp and Paper Technology

First Advisor

Dr. R. H. Diehm



In research aimed at utilization of sludge obtained from primary sedimentation of deinking mill wastes a literature study was made to determine what has been done toward meeting these ends and what new lines of thought needed investigation.

Our first thought in a literature survey was to find out the nature of the deinking sludge. It was found that the composition of deinking solid varies greatly from mill to mill and is determined by the waste paper used. A commercial laboratory analysis showed that the sludge is principally clay and fiberous materials (Table I) (1).

A early as 1931 suggestions for utilization of deinking sludge were made. These suggestions outlined plans for using the clay portion of the sludge as paper stock, filler for paper board, and as a cement for molded products (2).
