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Ante Bellum Studies in Slavery, Politics, and the Railroads

By Robert R. Russel

Professor and Head, Department of History Western Michigan University

Series of Articles:

"What Was the Compromise of 1850?"

Reprinted from The Journal of Southern History, XXII (August 1956), 292-309.

"The Economic History of Negro Slavery in the United States."

Reprinted from Agricultural History, XI (October 1937), 308-21.

"The General Effects of Slavery Upon Southern Economic Progress."

Reprinted from The Journal of Southern History, IV (February 1938), 34-54.

"The Effects of Slavery upon Nonslaveholders in the Ante Bellum South."

Reprinted from Agricultural History, XV (April 1941), 112-26.

"A Revaluation of the Period before the Civil War: Railroads."

Reprinted from The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XV (December 1928), 341-54.

"The Pacific Railway Issue in Politics Prior to the Civil War."

Reprinted from The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XII (September 1925), 187-201.

Bibliography of the Works of Robert R. Russel


Faculty Contributions: Series V, No. 1. June 1960
