How to Get Published in Psychological Journals

Presenter Information

Beverly VandiverFollow

Presentation Type

Round Table


The purpose for this roundtable is to highlight the general guidelines of submitting a manuscript for review to a refereed psychology journal and to generate a discussion about areas that need clarification. Areas of importance will be highlighted and samples of best and worse practices will be highlighted.

Start Date

4-14-2018 2:00 PM

End Date

4-14-2018 2:50 PM


Room 4540


Apr 14th, 2:00 PM Apr 14th, 2:50 PM

How to Get Published in Psychological Journals

Room 4540

The purpose for this roundtable is to highlight the general guidelines of submitting a manuscript for review to a refereed psychology journal and to generate a discussion about areas that need clarification. Areas of importance will be highlighted and samples of best and worse practices will be highlighted.