The goal is to record most books written or edited by Western Michigan University faculty, staff and students. There is a WMU Authors section in Waldo Library, where most of these books can be found. With a few exceptions, we do not have the rights to put the full text of the book online, so there will be a link to a place where you can purchase the book or find it in a library near you.
Driver Rehabilitation and Community Mobility: Principles and Practice
Joseph Pellerito
An emerging practice area for occupational therapists, adapted driving services is becoming increasingly popular as technology and demographics influence demand for these services. Not only does this text provide the tools necessary to effectively evaluate and rehabilitate disabled and aging drivers, it also prepares readers to enter the field by utilizing true-to-life case studies and evidence-based content.
- An Adapted Driving Decision Guide that allows therapists to determine a client's transportation need and driving ability
- Study questions in every chapter to enhance student comprehension
- Necessary client resources such as downloadable forms, handouts, and reports contained in an interactive CD-ROM
- Comprehensive coverage of people with disabilities across the lifespan
- Guidance on how to set up a driver rehabilitation program with key information on program and professional development
- Seven appendices enabling students to quickly access important resources
- Current information for students and faculty with weblinks on adaptive equipment, vehicle modification, and regulations
- Detailed artwork and illustrations on testing, traffic safety principles, vehicle modifications, and adaptive driving equipment
- Expert contributions from the foremost authorities in the field of driver rehabilitation
Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction
Diane Powers Dirette and Sharon A. Gutman
Designed to help students become effective, reflective practitioners, this fully updated edition of the most widely used occupational therapy text for the course continues to emphasize the "whys" as well as the "how-tos" of holistic assessment and treatment. Now in striking full color and co-edited by renowned educators and authors Diane Powers Dirette and Sharon Gutman, Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction , Eighth Edition features expert coverage of the latest assessment techniques and most recent trends in clinical practice. In addition, the book now explicitly integrates "Frames of Reference" to help students connect theories to practice and features a new six-part organization, thirteen all-new chapters, new pedagogy, and more. NEW! An expert new co-editor team brings a breadth of experience to this edition. NEW! A Frames of Reference section shows students how to connect the concepts to actual practice. NEW! Five new c hapters in Sections 1, 2, and 3 cover Documentation of Occupational Therapy Services (Chapter 6), Visual Perceptual Assessment and Intervention (Chapter 9), Communication Assessment and Intervention (18), Cranial Nerve Assessment (20), and Assistive Technology (Chapter 26). NEW! Eight new chapters in Sections 4, 5, and 6 cover Biomechanical, Rehabilitation: Motor Learning and Task-Oriented Approach ; Functional Uses of Neurological Approaches ; Diabetes; Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias ; Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia ; Sleep Disorders Secondary to Orthopedic and Neurological Disorders ; and Psychosocial Adaptation to Disability . NEW! Major updates to the coverage of Rehabilitation Technology prepare students for practice in today's rapidly changing environment. NEW! Online videos are now referred to at relevant areas of the text to further reinforce concepts and bring techniques to life. Case Example s describe both the OT process and the clinical reasoning behind the interventions. Evidence tables summarize research studies to equip students with the best evidence for the effectiveness of the interventions. Assessment tables highlight the psychometric properties and the strengths and weaknesses of individual assessment methods.
How Many Therapists Does it Take? : the Wit and Wisdom of Psychotherapy
Kenneth Reid
Have you ever wondered ... ... why a couple, now in their 90's and married for 60 years, got divorced? THEY WAITED UNTIL THE CHILDREN WERE DEAD ... how God and psychiatrists differ? GOD DOESN'T THINK HE'S A PSYCHIATRIST. ... how many therapists it takes to change a light bulb? ONE, BUT IT TAKES A LONG TIME AND THE LIGHT BULB HAS TO REALLY WANT TO CHANGE. ... what the doctor said to the man who thought he was a bell? IF THE FEELING PERSISTS, GIVE ME A RING. ... the reason a husband didn't speak to his wife for 18 months? HE DIDN'T WANT TO INTERRUPT. ... the difference between patients and the staff of a psychiatric hospital? PATIENTS GET BETTER AND LEAVE. ... why psychoanalysis is so much quicker for men than for women? WHEN IT'S TIME TO GO BACK TO THEIR CHILDHOOD, MEN ARE ALREADY THERE. ... the significance of the dreaded diagnosis, Cashew-Maraschino Syndrome? THE PATIENT IS CONSIDERED TO BE NUTTY AS A FRUIT CAKE. These and other curious questions are answered in HOW MANY THERAPISTS DOES IT TAKE?-an indispensable, inexhaustible treasury of laugh-out-loud jokes and anecdotes about the mad world of counseling. As the most accessible collection of therapist humor ever written, it highlights the folly, pretentiousness, and outright comedy that undergird the therapeutic-industrial complex.
Evaluation in Social Work: The Art and Science of Practice
Yvonne Unrau, Peter Gabor, and Rick Grinnell
Social work practice is built upon the linkage between the objectives and goals of clients, programs, and agencies, and the evaluation process is critical for making sure those links are strong. Building on its earlier editions with seven new chapters and complete revisions of the others, as well as a strong online companion website presence, this text is more relevant and user-friendly than ever. It provides a straightforward introduction to program evaluation couched within the quantitative and qualitative traditions--the approaches most commonly used to gain social work knowledge. The result gives students a sound conceptual understanding of how evaluation can be used in the delivery of day-to-day services they will be offering your clients, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate accountability.
The book builds upon the knowledge and skills of foundational social work research methods courses and assumes mastery of that material. However, the authors have created a uniquely accessible scheme that runs throughout the book in the form of a tree whose components--trunk, twigs, leaves--guide students through the book. They focus on a series of goals, from the basic preparedness for participation in evaluation activities and more advanced courses, to the ability to actively produce and consume evaluative literature. With its clear, direct language, focus on real-life situations, and many visual elements, this new edition is poised to be the text of choice for students and instructors looking for the best way to learn and teach evaluation skills. -
Foundations of Pediatric Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant
Amy Wagenfeld, Jennifer Kaldenberg, and DeLana Honaker
Foundations of Pediatric Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant, Second Edition delivers essential information for occupational therapy assistant students and practitioners in a succinct and straightforward format. In collaboration with a wide range of highly skilled and expert professionals from clinical practice and academia, Amy Wagenfeld, Jennifer Kaldenberg, and DeLana Honaker present an interprofessional perspective to pediatric clinical foundations, theory, and practical application activities in a highly accessible and engaging format. The Second Edition of Foundations of Pediatric Practice for the Occupational Therapy Assistant offers new and engaging features, including diverse illustrations, to facilitate learning from the classroom to the clinic. Integrated within each chapter are Stories From Practice: brief vignettes of actual author clinical experiences, short case studies, and reflective activities designed to elicit discussion and exploration into the unique world of pediatric occupational therapy theory and practice. A new chapter on childhood trauma has been added to enhance the comprehensive and current nature of pediatric practice in the 21st century. Available online is a significant Major Infant Reflexes Chart and a comprehensive Normal Developmental Milestones Chart that will reinforce important concepts associated with child development as it relates to occupational therapy assistant practice. The seamless integration of this material enables all readers to develop a comprehensive understanding of the information and apply that knowledge in a pediatric setting.
Foundations of orientation and mobility
Robert Wall Emerson
Now in its fourth edition, Foundations of Orientation and Mobility remains the classic reference and textbook for O&M professionals and students alike. A comprehensive work spread across two volumes, Foundations of O&M, 4th ed. , contains contributions from over 50 of the leading scholars, teachers, and practitioners in the field addressing topics such as teaching methodologies, sensorimotor functioning, working with both children and adults, and navigating complex intersections. There is also an emphasis on the many new technologies and apps available to children and adults who are blind or low vision to help them better navigate their world. Foundations of Orientation and Mobility: History and Theory, Volume 1, 4 th ed. covers essential O&M knowledge, encompassing techniques, perception, orientation, low vision, auditory skills, kinesiology, psychosocial factors, and learning theories. It also includes chapters on technology, guide dogs, orientation aids, and environmental accessibility.
Security Risk: Preventing Client Violence Against Social Workers
Susan Weinger
Social work is not immune to our increasingly violent society. New research indicates that at least a quarter of professional social workers will confront a violent situation on the job. Half of all human services professionals will experience client violence at some point during their careers. Security Risk presents rational approaches for implementing safety guidelines in the social work environment. Readers will learn how to recognize potential violence and apply prevention guidelines, specific personal and professional safeguards, and intervention strategies for violent situations. Without question, safety concerns must become a priority in the profession. This manual provides easily applied methods and strategies for enhancing personal safety while remaining cognizant of the supportive, empathetic role of social workers. Special Features * Defines the dilemma and incidence of and reasons for increasing violence toward social workers * Addresses the different types of violence, noting the need for appropriate responses to each * Identifies risk factors and delineates the degree of danger in different settings * Discusses preventive techniques and strategies, including interview pointers, environmental safeguards, and response planning * Offers suggestions on managing the aftermath of a violent encounter
Hell Within Hell: Sexually Abused Child Holocaust Survivors: The Comorbidity of the Traumata
Susan Weinger and Rachel Lev-Wiesel
Deafening silence generally surrounds the sexual abuse perpetrated against child Survivors of the Holocaust by their saviors and captors. In this book, child Survivors who endured two of the most severe traumas-the Holocaust and sexual abuse-bravely tell their stories to prevent this crucial aspect of the Holocaust from being buried and left virtually unknown to the world. The testimonies of these Survivors, who were beholden to their abusive saviors or entrapped by their terrorizing guards, reveal that sexual traumas leave a differential as well as a combined psychological trail from the Holocaust experience. Hell within Hell begins with background information about the Holocaust and its impact on the lives of Survivors. The authors then explain why sexual abuse is so psychologically devastating and discuss how such a traumatic experience reverberates later in life. Readers are able to use this knowledgeable context to fully listen to the Survivors' powerful voices. The afterword contains a dialogue between the authors befitting the Survivors' forthright accounts.
Informatics for Healthcare Professionals
Kathleen M. Young
Topics covered include needs analysis and system design, change management, legal and ethical issues, telemedicine and distance education, Internet and intranet, and healthcare taxonomy