Dissertations from 2022
German Imperialism and Applied Orientalism: German Encounters with the Ottoman Empire, 1850-1918, Matthew David Penix
Dissertations from 2021
Reframing National Women's History Month: Practicalities and Consequences, Skylar Bre’z
Dissertations from 2020
Beyond the Farm: Capitalism in North-Central Minnesota, 1880-1940, John Byczynski
Our Shared Vision: Representations of the Trans-Mississippi American West, Joshua D. Koenig
Dissertations from 2019
Karczma/Taberna: Public Houses in Cracow during the Jagiellonian Dynasty, Peter Paul Dobek
Dissertations from 2017
Deadly Hostility: Feud, Violence, and Power in Early Anglo-Saxon England, David DiTucci
Slavery and Manumission in Fourteenth-Century Palermo, Jack Goodman
Primatus Hispaniae: Identity and Assimilation in Medieval Toledo, Patrick W. Harris
Practicing Piracy: Violence, ldentity, and Cultural lnteraction in the Later Medieval Mediterranean, David D. Terry
Dissertations from 2016
Only the River Remains: History and Memory of the Eastland Disaster in the Great Lakes Region, 1915 – 2015, Caitlyn Perry Dial
A Shrine for President Lincoln: An Analysis of Lincoln Museums and Historic Sites, 1865-2015, Thomas D. Mackie Jr.
Dissertations from 2015
Power Relations at the Cistercian Abbey of St. Mary at Rushen: With Special Interest in Connections at Furness and Influence through the Kingdom of the Isles, Valerie Dawn Hampton
“A Difficult and Dangerous Thing”: Religious Reform in Late Medieval Ulm, 1434-1532, Jamie McCandless
Dissertations from 2014
“Gentiles by Nature”: Indian–Dutch Relations in New Netherland/New York, 1524–1750, Stephen Staggs
Dissertations from 2013
The Qur'anic Jesus: A Study of Parallels with Non-Biblical Texts, Brian C. Bradford
Building A House of Peace: The Origins of the Imperial Presidency and the Framework for Executive Power, 1933-1960, Katherine Elizabeth Ellison
Air Too Pure for Slavery and the Rights of British Liberty: The Black Experience in London, 1772-1883, Tony A. Frazier
Dissertations from 2012
Faithful Remembering: Constructing Dutch America in the Twentieth Century, David E. Zwart
Dissertations from 2011
Undoing Plessy: Charles Hamilton Houston, Race, Labor, and the Law, Gordon Andrews
Women of Foreign Superstition: Christianity and Gender in Imperial Roman Policy, 57-235., Karl E. Baughman
The Gendered Plight of Terror: Annexation and Exile in Latvia 1940-1950, Irene Elksnis Geisler
The Bandi of Northwestern Liberia: A Study of Change and Continuityin Bandi Society to 1964, Samuel Benedict Ngovo
Dissertations from 2010
Life and Local Administration on Fifteenth Century Genoese Chios, Brian Nathaniel Becker
The Taifa of Denia and the Medieval Mediterranean, Travis Bruce
Lest We Forget: The Library of Congress's Veterans History Project and "Radical Trust", Christopher Michael Jannings
Dissertations from 2008
Bilingual Education, Federalism, and the Political Culture of American Public Education, 1964-1980, Robert Harold Duke
Dissertations from 2007
Land Use and Settlement Patterns in Michigan, 1763-1837, Ray De Bruler Jr.
Flights Past: The Wright Brothers’ Legacy and Dayton, Ohio, James Clayton Johnson
Christian Attitudes toward the Jews in the Earliest Centuries A.D., S. Mark Veldt
Dissertations from 2006
Far From the Heart: The Social, Political, and Ecclesiastical Milieu of the Early Abbotsof La Chaise-Dieu, 1052-1184, Maureen M. O’Brien
Dissertations from 2005
The Italian Homiliary: Texts and Contexts, Michael Thomas Martin
Dissertations from 2004
“Imagined Communities” in Showcases: The Nationality Rooms Program at The University of Pittsburgh (1926-1945), Lucia Curta
Recipes for Reform: Americanization and Foodways in Chicago Settlement Houses, 1890-1920, Stephanie J. Jass
Patriarch Nikon's Image in Russian History and Culture, Kevin Kain
Dissertations from 2003
The Tragedy of the Rivers: Building Authority over the British Water Environment, Kevin B. Vichcales
Dissertations from 2002
Ladies' Library Associations of Michigan: Women, Reform, and Use of Public Space, Sharon Carlson
Perspectives on Power: John F. Kennedy and U.S.-Middle East Relations, April R. Summitt
Dissertations from 2001
The Romans Commentaries of William of St. Thierry and Peter Abelard: A Theological and Methodological Comparison, Steven R. Cartwright
Utopia Park, Utopian Church: James K. Humphrey and the Emergence of the Sabbath-Day Adventists, Romauld C. Jones
Dissertations from 2000
Environment, Cultures, and Social Change on the Great Plains: A History of Crow Creek Tribal School, Robert W. Galler Jr.
Dissertations from 1998
Making an Early Medieval Ethnie: The Case of the Early Slavs (Sixth to Seventh Century A.D. ), Florin Curta
For Shade and Comfort: Ornamental Plants in Nineteenth- Century Midwestern Domestic Landscapes, Cheryl Lyon-Jenness
Dissertations from 1997
The National German-American Alliance, 1901 -1918: Cultural Politics and Ethnicity in Peace and War, Charles Thomas Johnson