Date of Defense

Winter 3-22-2001



First Advisor

Bob Landeros, Management

Second Advisor

Russ Morey, Western Illinois University

Third Advisor

Jack Kindschuh, John Deere


For the past decade most companies have focused their efforts of cost reduction and savings on such territories as supplier optimization, lean manufacturing, supplier development, continuous improvement, etc. relating to mainly production parts (Booker, 1999). With increased pressure from global competitors, new frontiers for increasing productivity and reducing costs need to be found (Aberdeen Group, 1999). Companies have now recognized Maintenance, Repair and Operating materials (MROs) as an opportunity to add to the bottom line, and would benefit from effective management. MRO expenditures are an important and significant aspect of any company's budget. Many firms are now finding ways to remove inefficiencies from their systems and move towards a leaner operating environment.

This paper will discuss how organizations are currently attempting to management their MRO procurement methods and where they are looking in the future.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
