Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Speech Pathology and Audiology

First Advisor

Yvette Hyter

Second Advisor

Sarah Summy

Third Advisor

Kathryn Hillenbrand


Globalization, Linguistic Culture, Higher Education, Age, National Identity, Senegal, Midwest United States


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of globalization on linguistic culture in populations of people from both Senegal and the Midwest United States. This study will also specifically highlight any similarities and differences present between those who have a higher education and those that do not. These similarities and differences were revealed by asking the research question: How has the process of globalization impacted beliefs about language held by people from various educational levels in Senegal and the U.S. Midwest?

Data regarding globalization’s effect on the attitudes people have about language, linguistic culture, were retrieved from twenty-four voluntary participants using critical ethnography. This data collection was done in the form of in-person interviews, where openended, umbrella-like questions were asked. These open-ended questions allowed the interviewees to determine and guide the interview towards what they viewed as the most pertinent, relevant, and personalized answer. The data from twelve of the twenty-four participants in this study were used from a study by Kearney in 2015, while data from the other twelve participants were collected in person by the author during the summer of 2016.

The results of this study concluded that higher education did influence differences in linguistic culture. However, globalization seemed to be a larger force acting upon those who participated within this study. Globalization contributes to one’s ability to have the means, financial means and support system to be able to obtain a higher education. Globalization also influences those to feel as if one must obtain a higher education to achieve success.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access
