Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

First Advisor

William Liou

Second Advisor

Tianshu Liu

Third Advisor

David Moussa


A three-dimensional model of a one-story residential home, with an emphasis on the roof style and structure, was modeled using CATIA and then built and tested in the wind tunnel at Western Michigan University. The wind tunnel allowed an airflow over different style roofs to be tested at 100 mile per hour winds, strengths typical for hurricanes and other natural phenomena. The measured results show the lift and drag, along with the pressure gradient and the skin friction over the roofs. The effect of these aerodynamic characteristics of the building due to adding solar panel prototypes were also evaluated. The results would have been presented here and will be applied to guidelines and building codes. Future work and continued research are recommended due to the unexpected circumstances from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

Group 2 Final Presentation.pdf (297270 kB)
Defense Presentation

Senior Design Presentation.mp4 (30019 kB)
Presentation video
