Kalamazoo Made for You


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Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Kelly Wittenberg

Second Advisor

Sandra Borden


Kalamazoo Made for You is a short film documentary that looks into the lives of three, sustainable women-owned businesses that are working towards making a change within their own community. These women work towards promoting sustainability in all aspects of our lives with not only providing advice and resources on personal sustainability, but also providing consumer products that are clean and sustainable. This film shows that you can have each aspect of consumerism in a sustainable way. Bee Joyful Shop provides your personal and home good needs with everything from household necessities to personal necessities at zero waste. Bee Joyful also provides a refillary to reduce plastic waste in purchasing these items that you need. Caffe Casa provides sustainable and delicious coffee, lunch items, and handmade pastry items with little to no waste. Then Knot your Mother’s Macrame works to ensure you can have carefully curated home items that provide personality to whatever space you put them into. These businesses work to support other small businesses within their community and to ethically source their materials. The work that these women are doing is super important to not only the environment but to the community as well. Kalamazoo Made for You explores their efforts, but also gets their voices heard regarding their struggles with their business or community support. This film not only helped get the word out about these businesses’ experience, but I was also able to grow as a filmmaker. Working with real businesses and needing to schedule interviews and having more pressure to get it right the first time has enhanced my problem-solving skills regarding filmmaking. Bcan give back and allow voices to be heard that may have been ignored before. Kalamazoo Made for You allows me to combine my passion for film, sustainability, and empowerment into one piece. This piece has not only grown me as a filmmaker but will hopefully help grow and support these women.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

Reflection.pdf (82 kB)

PPT.pdf (1496 kB)

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