Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Computer Science

First Advisor

Jason Johnson

Second Advisor

Guan Yue Hong


Children, unlike adults, cannot handle the full dosage of certain medications. As a result of inaccurate medication measurements, there is a significant error rate of 31% in pediatric drug administration by Emergency Medical Services (EMS). This alarmingly high error rate highlights an urgent need for technological intervention. In response, our team designed and implemented an innovative 3D Augmented Reality software solution built on the foundations of Unity and the advanced capabilities of Microsoft’s HoloLens 2. The goal of the application is to increase the accuracy of drug delivery in high-stakes emergency situations. To do so, the application provides EMS personnel with a cognitive aid and visual guide that takes them through each step of the drug administration process, ensuring that each step is precisely accounted for. For instance, after identifying the correct medication to administer to the patient, the application will prompt the user to progress to the next step, which involves drawing this medication into a syringe. However, to ensure that it is the correct medication, the user must use a physical barcode scanner to scan the correct barcode corresponding to the appropriate medication. The aim of such implementation, confirmations, and error checks at each stage is to minimize human error as much as possible, thereby ensuring the highest level of accuracy for both the patient and the EMS personnel in the field. Additionally, with the use of a simple and user-friendly interface, this solution is designed to integrate seamlessly into the daily workflow of EMS personnel, making it flexible, easy-to-use, and equipped for the field. To maximize the impact and efficiency of this prototype, the application zeroes in on four conditions most associated with dosing errors: Cardiac Arrest, Seizure, Pain, and Hypoglycemia, thereby addressing the core of the problem. The result is a powerful, effective tool designed to significantly enhance the safety and reliability of pediatric drug administration in emergency settings, marking a pivotal step forward in the integration of technology and healthcare.


Co-authored with:

Joshua Chuah Han Jie

Roshan Kalvakota

Stevie Peck

Ryan Tay Wei Jieq

Kobayashi Zhou

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Restricted
