Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Timothy Palmer

Second Advisor

Tom Kelly


Electronic waste (e-waste) presents a significant environmental challenge, particularly in developing nations like Ghana. This study examines the opportunities and challenges associated with e-waste recycling in Ghana, focusing on the Agbogbloshie dumpsite. In Ghana, the informal e-waste sector plays a crucial role, providing employment to marginalized individuals who dismantle and process e-waste using basic methods. However, these practices raise concerns due to hazardous working conditions and environmental pollution. Conversely, certified recycling companies adhere to strict safety and environmental standards. Key challenges include recycling contaminated e-plastics and declining precious metal content in modern electronics, highlighting the need for improved recycling infrastructure. Despite these challenges, opportunities exist in implementing extended producer responsibility policies, adopting advanced recycling technologies, and increasing consumer awareness about proper e-waste disposal. Insights from industry experts emphasize the importance of corporate responsibility, effective product lifecycle management, and the economic potential of the e-waste recycling market. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach involving regulatory measures, infrastructure development, and incentivizing behavior change. Ultimately, responsible e-waste recycling offers a pathway to environmental sustainability, economic development, and social equity in Ghana and beyond.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

Thesis Defense Presentation.pdf (3121 kB)
Defense Presentation
