Date of Defense


Date of Graduation




First Advisor

Kathryn Wagner

Second Advisor

Patrick Niemi


This Thesis delves into the pivotal role of the Technical Director in the staging of CLUE, a WMU theatrical production scheduled from November 10 to 19. With a strike date set for November 19 and a load-in work day on October 7, the Technical Director's responsibilities spanned across various domains, from budget management to technical design and construction supervision.

Communication among disparate production departments lay at the heart of the Technical Director's duties. This involved coordinating activities across lighting, sound, scenic, stage management, props, and costume departments. The Technical Director ensured the alignment of creative visions and operational objectives by actively participating in seven design meetings, seven production meetings, tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and the eventual strike.

With a budget allocation of $3,250, prudent financial management was paramount. Collaborating closely with the scenic designer and director, the Technical Director navigated budgetary constraints while preserving the integrity of the production's aesthetic. The utilization of 3D AutoCAD software enabled the creation of intricate scenic designs, facilitating a tangible visualization of the production's conceptual framework.

Supervising the construction process was another cornerstone of the Technical Director's role. Leading a crew of up to 30 individuals and managing a scene shop comprising up to 12 members, the Technical Director upheld rigorous standards of quality and efficiency. Through hands-on guidance and instruction, carpenters and practicum students were empowered to contribute to the realization of the production's artistic vision.

A meticulous recording of all purchases ensured accurate documentation and adherence to budgetary parameters. Additionally, the Technical Director assumed responsibility for the repair or replacement of any damages to the set, safeguarding the integrity of the production throughout its duration.

The time commitment associated with the Technical Director's role was substantial, totaling approximately 318 hours. This encompassed participation in design and production meetings, budgeting, drafting, plating, construction supervision, and the eventual strike. Despite the demanding nature of the role, the Technical Director's unwavering dedication and proficiency in balancing creativity with logistical exigencies ensured the seamless execution of the production.

In conclusion, this paper underscores the Technical Director's indispensable contributions to this theatrical production. By exemplifying strong leadership, effective communication, and proficient technical skills, the Technical Director played a pivotal role in orchestrating the successful staging of CLUE, thereby embodying the essence of production excellence amidst complex logistics.

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Honors Thesis-Open Access

Technical Director For CLUE Reflection Paper.pdf (48 kB)

Honors Thesis Defense Clue.pdf (9589 kB)
Defense Presentation
