Date of Defense


Date of Graduation



Human Performance and Health Education

First Advisor

Michael Miller

Second Advisor

Nicholas Hanson


Lateral ankle sprains (LAS) are prevalent among athletes and can lead to chronic instability and re-injury. Kinesiology taping (KT) is a treatment modality aimed at providing support, pain management, and prevention of further injury. This review aims to evaluate the efficacy of KT in supporting lateral ankle sprains and providing stability to the injured ankle. A comprehensive search yielded seven studies, including randomized controlled trials, non-randomized controlled trials, and case-control studies. The studies investigated the immediate effects of KT on injuries, compared KT with other treatment modalities, and assessed the long-term outcomes of KT use. The findings from the reviewed studies collectively suggest that KT plays a beneficial role in supporting lateral ankle sprains and mitigating instability in otherwise healthy individuals. Specifically, the immediate effects of KT application demonstrated positive results across various performance metrics, spanning from improved gait dynamics to enhanced balance control during functional tasks. Moreover, KT was found to offer advantages over traditional treatments, exhibiting superior outcomes in terms of reducing re-injury rates and enhancing overall postural stability. Overall, the findings suggest that KT aids in supporting lateral ankle sprains and reducing instability in healthy individuals. Immediate effects of KT application showed beneficial results in various tests across athletes and individuals. KT was found to improve walking balance, decrease re-injury rates, and enhance overall balance compared to traditional treatments. However, one study found no significant difference between KT and rigid taping in ankle kinematics during drop landing. Despite this, KT remains a valuable tool in the management of lateral ankle sprains, especially in athletes participating in high-risk sports activities. Consistent findings from control trials and systematic reviews support the use of KT as a treatment and prevention method for lateral ankle sprains. Further research is needed to explore its long-term effectiveness and compare it with other treatment modalities comprehensively.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Open Access

thesis presentation.pdf (263 kB)
Defense Presentation

Final Chart.pdf (126 kB)
Final Chart
