Date of Defense

Spring 4-17-2007


Speech Pathology and Audiology

First Advisor

Yvette Hyter, Speech Language and Audiology

Second Advisor

Adelia Van Meter, Speech Language and Audiology

Third Advisor

Kathryn Hillenbrand, Speech Language and Audiology


The rapidly increasing population of Latinos in the United States has had an impact on the demographic makeup of North America, as well as the delivery of health care and education services. A multitude of community professionals originated from and are familiar with practices that service monolingual clients. Their professional training may have been based on trial-error techniques and research, which lacked multicultural data and perspective. Limited research and gaps in assessment and intervention strategies, in the United States' increasingly diverse society, has the potential to breed unintentional cultural bias from health care professionals. As a result, educators, speech-language pathologists, and other health care providers may struggle with assessment and intervention services that meet the needs of the rapidly increasing Latino-American population. This paper primarily focuses on speech-language pathology and its research.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
