Date of Defense

Spring 4-19-1996



First Advisor

Thomas Deckard, Aviation Sciences

Second Advisor

Terry Michmerhuizen, Aviation Sciences


Pilot learning consists of two main sections. The first section, Pilot Learning Curves, is a project which developed a curve symbolizing the learning of pilots as they progress through their training. The second section, Learning and Pilot Training, explains how people learn, variables involved, and currently utilized techniques. The object of this research is to develop a pilot learning curve and help direct the future trends of aviation. The findings proved several factors. First, it revealed the point in a pilot's training where s/he learns the most. Second, it supports the fact that a pilot's proficiency declines over time. Also, it discovered certain deficiencies which were common to certain skill levels. However, one of the most important findings was that currency or recency outweighed experience. In addition, through closely analyzing how people learn and current pilot training techniques, several important factors were revealed. Such as the importance of fulfilling primary needs before learning can take place. Also, some of the variables that can have a significant effect on learning are analyzed. Finally, a discussion of the results and recommendations concludes this project.

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
