Date of Defense



Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

First Advisor

Gayle Ahleman

Second Advisor

Elizabeth Amidon


The focus of this paper is to develop the basis for a classroom library to be used by teachers in future classrooms. The classroom library has several important benefits: "Students read fifty to sixty percent more" in classrooms that have a library than those that don't (Young and Moss, 207). In addition, a classroom library can "provide teachers with the opportunity to put the right book in a students hands at a moment's notice" (Young and Moss, 207). The classroom library can motivate and encourage students to read, and can make a different particularly with students from a low socioeconomic demographic who lack access to high quality literature. The library performs five important functions: 1) it supports literacy instruction in all academic subjects, 2) it allows students to learn about books, book maintenance, ways to select books, etc., 3) the classroom library can act as a center of reference and resource materials in the classroom, 4) it can act as "a resource and location for independent reading, personal exploration, project research, and individual assessment" and, 5) it can act as an area of student reflection (Ruetzel and Fawson, 11-15).

Access Setting

Honors Thesis-Campus Only
